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Apsis One lanserar ny AI-assistent specialiserad på e-postmarknadsföring för marknadsförare och innehållsskapare
4 juni 2024 – Malmö, Sverige. Apsis One, en efficy-produkt, tillkännagav idag lanseringen av sin nya Apsis AI-assistent. Detta innovativa verktyg är utformat för att hjälpa marknadsförare att öka sin kreativitet och avsevärt minska de timmar som krävs för att skapa engagerande innehåll av hög kvalitet.

Efficy befäster sin snabba europeiska tillväxt
genom att förvärva den svenska leverantören av datadriven marknadsföring Apsis.
Efficy, är den ledande europeiska leverantören av CRM system (Customer Relationship Management), tillkännager idag förvärvet av den nordiska leverantören av datadriven marknadsföring Apsis. Genom uppköpet utökar Efficy sin nordiska närvaro och marscherar vidare mot sin ambition att nå en marknadsandel på 5 % av den europeiska CRM-marknaden år 2024.
Apsis announces move of European data infrastructure to Frankfurt, Germany
Two weeks remain until the UK leaves the EU. Although we had hoped for clearer instructions concerning data transfers, this has been out of our control. However, we are happy to share that Apsis has now initiated the next phase of moving our data hosting from London, UK to Frankfurt, Germany. Find out more about how Apsis will proceed despite the uncertainty.

Sanoma Utbildning implements Apsis One to strengthen customer communication
Since the launch in 2019, businesses from varying industries have decided to implement Apsis One to deepen their data-driven marketing. Apsis can now announce that Sanoma Utbildning has, after using the solution on their B2B business area, decided to move all of their marketing activities to Apsis One.

Sabis improves their customer experience through Apsis One
With the launch of Apsis One in 2019, Apsis has moved from providing several different marketing solutions to a single all-in-one marketing platform for advanced personalisation. Apsis is now proud to announce the latest addition to its customer portfolio: food and experience company Sabis.

Novi Real Estate Choose Apsis One
Novi Real Estate Choose Apsis One To Develop And Automate Communication
With the launch of Apsis One, Apsis has moved from providing several marketing solutions to a single all-in-one marketing platform. Apsis is happy to announce the latest addition to an ever-growing customer portfolio: Swedish property management company Novi Real Estate.